The The No Kill Colorado Rescue Network was formed to save every healthy or treatable pet in Colorado. It can only be done with the good work of many PACFA licensed organizations and support organizations to shelters and rescues.
Our information and criteria for joining are below. Please apply to our network and lets get to the job of saving every healthy and treatable homeless pet in our shelter system!
After you have read the information below, APPLY HERE.
No Kill Colorado Rescue Network
Bringing the majority of PACFA licensed organizations into a network to find every healthy and treatable homeless pet entering our shelter system in Colorado a loving home.
Recently, for all animal issues, Colorado was ranked 10th in the nation[i]. Colorado is one of the top states for animal shelter save rates as an entire state. With a little effort, it could be number one.
One great benefit we have is that PACFA (Pet Animal Control Facilities Act) demands all licensed organization to report numbers that give us a state, county city and facility view of life saving. This allows us to see exactly which of our organizations need the most help to improve. It also gives us access to the more than 250 organizations available to save every healthy or treatable Colorado homeless pet.
What’s the issue?
In 2018, Colorado imported more than 39,000 cats and dogs from other states. 2019 will probably be higher. At the same time, we killed over 17,000 in our system. We have a delta and we should address it.
There is no way to know the exact number of healthy and treatable pets in that more than 17,000 that lost their lives, we project it is at least half.
We should help our neighbors in other states. And we can do it for tens of thousands each year. Colorado has more adopters than pets entering our shelter system. We proved that. But we should insure that we look at our community first and then help our neighbors. Even if it was a one to one, we could save 10,000 more Colorado homeless pets and still help our neighboring states by taking in 25,000 animals.
It’s time to fix out own house so we can better serve our communities and show the rest of the nation how to save every healthy or treatable pet in thier system.
The No Kill Colorado Rescue Network aims to do just that. Its goal is to get every PACFA organization working together to always take care of community pets. With over 300 organizations in this network, we would have experts in every possible competency needed to save any pet that is not irremediably suffering and is a true candidate for euthanasia. Need to transfer a pet because you cannot find an adopter? You have 300 choices. Have a pet in need of medical attention, there has to be one organization of 300 that can help. Behavior issue, there are trainers in some of these 300 organizations. Let’s bring you to them.
You ready to change Colorado? We need you.
Our expectations are pretty easy actually. You already save lives, we want you to keep doing what you are doing.
We have some simple requirements for members.
1. You must be PACFA certified.
2. You cannot purchase any animals from commercial organizations (direct to puppy mill, backyard breeders, breeder auctions, etc.). This is cause for immediate termination from the network and can only be reinstated by governing committee appeal.
3. You clearly state your mission so that people can solicit you to pull a pet. We don’t expect a big dog rescue to pull a chihuahua, or a senior dog rescue to take on puppies.
4. Before you go out of state to pull a homeless pet, you check the Colorado network to see what is available IN the state Colorado that fits your mission.
Understanding the concept of always looking inside the state according to your mission:
Scenario 1: You are a Chihuahua rescue. Your organization has an available foster and can bring in another pet. You come onto the All For Paws search engine and search for a Chihuahua. There is a Chihuahua there, you take that one instead of looking out of state.
Scenario 2: You are a senior cat rescue serving cats 10 years old or older. Your organization has an available foster and can bring in another pet. You come onto the All For Paws search engine and search for a senior cat 10 years or older. There is not a cat 10 year or older. You then consider looking out of state (unless you are willing to take one younger that is in Colorado).
Sign Up for the Colorado No Kill Rescue Network
Easy sign up. Go to Click on sign up now.
And fill out the form to identify your organization.
Here’s what you will be asked:
First Name
Last Name
PACFA Number
Registered Name
Type of organization
Email (Autofill)
Organization (Contact) email
Address 2
Date formed
Outstanding legal information(Violations with PACFA, etc.)
Current Posting sites (checkbox)
Pet finder
Pet harbor
Text field
How does the Network Function?
First, we have rescues that agree to pull Colorado homeless pets from Colorado shelters whenever an animal is in danger. As rescues, our job is to find animals that are in danger of being killed for the simple lack of a home.
With the implementation of the NKCRN Colorado can become No Kill overnight.
Why are you looking only in Colorado?
Since we have more than 300 organizations licensed to save animals in Colorado via PACFA, we are in an ideal community to save every healthy or treatable pet. Does that mean homeless pets in Texas or New Mexico are less valuable. Absolutely not.
But the resources to pull an animal from out of state are often more than double to save one in our community. Which means by saving Colorado homeless pets first, we can save more lives, both in and out of the state.
For instance, thousands of animals are brought to Colorado from Houston. It’s about 1,000-mile trip. Colorado by comparison is 380 miles wide and 280 I miles long. Not transport would be a quarter of the Houston trip. Even if you are picking up ten homeless pets, gas alone in a transport vehicle is probably $400 minimum. Add in sending two people for a 3-day round trip. One-night hotel might add another $100, food, supplies for the trip, a full week of labor with two people, etc.
There are ten pets in Colorado looking any day of the year for a loving home.
Current transport initiative from Colorado are great for Houston short term, but it neither helps pets right here in our state nor does it help Houston achieve its long term need of saving every healthy homeless pet. It’s a stop gap. One we should support, but not encourage as a solution. Places like Houston need to implement their own programs and services to better address their shelter population through spay/neuter clinics, adoption events, community foster and local rescue networking. They should be copying what we do.
Where do we start?
First, we need the rescue on board. The shelters aren’t going anywhere, and we need enough rescues to know we can pull all the homeless pets in need before approaching them. If we assume half the 17,000 pets killed are healthy or treatable, we need to support about 20 pulls a day.
With 300 organizations, that means we need to get every organization in the state to pull less than 1 pet every ten days. That would literally save every healthy or treatable pet in Colorado. But first we need everyone on board.
We believe we can start the program with 30 rescues on board. It will help us get started and help us refine the processes we will use to seamlessly let shelters put pets up to tag, tag them, organize transport, transport, and land in a foster or adopter home.
How do we get shelters to buy in?
Some shelters already buy in. There are plenty of shelters thrilled to see pets transported out of the shelter any day of the week. It increased their Live Release Rate, lowers cost, lowers need for labor and volunteers, creates great public relations and most importantly, it saves lives.
Once we have a coalition of rescue in the network, we will approach shelters as a powerful force for change. Any legitimate shelter that is not currently working with rescues, or without a broad network rescues would be crazy to reject us.
You In?
Homeless pets need your help. You already do that. Would you like to be part of the single greatest evolution of lifesaving in the world Nothing on this scale has every been attempted. We are going to do this, we want you to be there from the beginning.
Contact lkjnsdf lkjsdf at xxx-xxxx or email to join us today and make Colorado a No Kill State in 2019.
How do we get shelters to buy in?
Some shelters already buy in. There are plenty of shelters thrilled to see pets transported out of the shelter any day of the week. It increased their Live Release Rate, lowers cost, lowers need for labor and volunteers, creates great public relations and most importantly, it saves lives.
Once we have a coalition of rescue in the network we are in a position to present a strategy to help shelters. We will approach shelters as a powerful force for change. Any legitimate shelter that is not currently working with rescues, or without a broad network rescues, would be crazy to reject us.
Our hope is to start with the geographical areas with the worst save rates. Counties are generally represented by shelters that would need the most attention.
Candidate Counties
Although any rescue or shelter could use help at anytime, this map shows Colorado counties that would be the most obvious targets to pull from as we get our initiative online.
2018 PACFA Statistics RAW Save rate by COunty in COlorado
Candidate shelters
We should work with any shelter that wants to come on board. Although this next graphic upsets those organizations at the lower end of the list, it does help us to consider talking to them and seeing if they will join. Being here does not necessarily show performance, for instance, Wild Blue is a sanctuary. Wild Blue take many animals that will live out their lives there and will likely have a lower save rate because of this, not because they killing healthy or treatable pets.
You In?
Homeless pets need your help. You already do that. Would you like to be part of the single greatest evolution of lifesaving in the world Nothing on this scale has every been attempted. We are going to do this, we want you to be there from the beginning.
If you have read the information above and would like to join, APPLY HERE.
If you have any questions, Contact us HERE or email