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Cartoon dog with "End Aurora BSL" text

Aurora Says "Yes" to Pit Bulls: Breed Ban Overturned!

After nearly two decades, Aurora residents have voted to repeal the city's controversial pit bull ban.

Aurora, Colorado, has finally lifted its long-standing ban on pit bulls. The decision, made by voters in November 2024, marks the end of a contentious debate that has raged since the ban was first implemented in 2005.

A Back-and-Forth Battle:

  • 2005: Aurora enacts a breed-specific ban on pit bulls.

  • 2014: Aurora voters uphold the ban in a referendum.

  • 2021: Aurora City Council votes to repeal the ban.

  • 2024 (March): A district court judge rules that any changes to the ban must be decided by voters.

  • 2024 (November): Aurora voters overturn the ban with 56% in favor of repeal.

As more information comes available we will update this section and/or look for posts on Facebook @NoKillColorado

Breed Specific Legislation or BSL, is probably responsible for more killing of healthy treatable dogs in Colorado than any other single reason.

In order to become a true No Kill state, BSL must be repealed in the 3 communities in Colorado where it still exists:

  1. Aurora<—Repealed! 2021

  2. CastleRock<—-Repealed 2018!

  3. Commerce City<—Repealed 2021!

  4. Denver<— Repealed 2020!

  5. Fort upton<— Repealed 2019!

  6. La Junta

  7. Lone Tree<— Repealed 2021!

  8. Louisville<— Repealed 2023!

Contact your local elected officials of these communities and tell them BSL must go.  If you need to get up to speed on BSL and get the facts, go to Animal Farm Foundation (AFF) for more information.

The New BSL permitting rules for Denver Colorado

Effective immediately, all pit bull owners and adopters must contact DAP to schedule an appointment for a restricted-breed assessment. Assessments will take 30-45 minutes and will be conducted by DAP at the Denver Animal Shelter. The assessment fee is $25 per dog and is non-refundable. No owner or keeper of any pit bull may own or keep more than two pit bulls per household.

The application process for a Breed-Restricted Permit to own or keep a pit bull will require the following:

  • Name and address of the owner or keeper where the pit bull will be located

  • Names and addresses of two people who may be contacted in the event of an emergency involving the pit bull

  • An accurate description of the pit bull and recent photograph

  • Payment of the $30 Breed-Restricted Permit fee (this is in addition to the $25 assessment fee)

  • Proof the dog is neutered or spayed, or proof of a DAP intact permit that allows the dog to remain unaltered

  • Proof that the animal has had a registered microchip implanted

  • Proof that the animal has a current rabies vaccination

  • Proof that the animal has a city license (Do not license through PetData. A pit bull license can only be issued at the time the Breed-Restricted Permit is approved.)

  • Any other information that DAP reasonably requires

The fee for the permit is $30 per animal, and it must be renewed every year for 3 years (at $30 per animal per year).  If there are no violations* within that time period, Breed-Restricted Permit holders may request to be removed from Breed-Restricted requirements.

MORE on Denver new BSL rules

Click here: Denver Animal Ordinances & Legislation